About Nuvoton

Nuvoton Technology was founded to bring customers new solutions inspired by innovation. The company was spun-off as a Winbond affiliate in 2008 while Winbond continues to focus on its large Memory business. From those beginnings we are relatively new up-and-coming digital/analog/mixed signal semiconductor company. Public since just September 27, 2010 on the Taiwan Stock Exchange(TSE), we are bringing new solutions to our customers that change the world around us.
新唐科技承襲華邦電子過往於電腦邏輯IC相關產品領域深耕多年的經驗,在主機板用輸入輸出控制器上擁有高市佔率,為因應電腦系統發展漸趨多元化之需求,陸續推出如強化電腦安全機制之TPM晶片、Sideshow 晶片等產品。消費電子產品則專注於消費性IC、語音IC、多媒體IC等產品之設計研發,以深厚的設計實力取得客戶之信任。
About ARM Video SoC
Designed for cost-effective solutions targeting at toys and consumer electronics, the ARM-based SoC are embedded with various H/W accelerators and a number of useful peripherals. Some parts even come up with a unique MCP (Multi-Chip Package) in the LQFP footprint, which is ideal in terms of several key design factors: high performance, small dimension, low power, much less EMI, stable production yield, and lower BOM cost.
# | Product | Main features | Application |
1 | 8051/ARM MCU, SoC, Audio IC | Audio/Video CODEC | IP Cam, Baby Cam, Spy Cam, Fleet Control |